Activities by the Department of Medical Education

Activities of the Department

Curriculum development, teaching and learning

  1. Curriculum development is the main focus of the work in the Medical Education Department, and it includes the following:
    • Determine the competencies required for graduates according to National Academic Standards in medical education.
    • Define the objectives and learning outcomes, choose the content and methods of teaching, and evaluate the students based on those goals and outcomes.
    • Support is provided for the application process and followed up. The department is also interested in evaluating the educational program and developing proposals for continuous development and improvement.
  2. The department also plays an advisory role by responding to questions from various departments and faculty members, as well as introducing modern systems in teaching, evaluation, and training on them in coordination with the various departments, units of the faculty.
  3. The department also plays an important role in supporting students during their studies through semesters with the help of semesters coordinators, faculty members, and academic advisors. It also works to raise student awareness related to the use of educational resources and methods of study, practical training, and clinical simulation, as well as appropriate learning methods for different learning styles and providing continuous feedback to students.
  4. The Medical Education Department is also interested in research, as it participates in research projects, as well as conferences and workshops in the field of medical education.

Evaluation and measurement

The Department of Medical Education is concerned with providing high-quality tools, and assessment environment for students on all axes and fields of learning, and it performs this role in a cooperative and organized manner with faculty members at the college in order to control the exams as well as the relative weight questions (blueprint) and practical exam tasks in a fair manner and based on educational objectives. It is also concerned with making measurements related to the evaluation process, make conclusions, and presenting recommendations to decision makers.

Training and developing the skills of faculty members

Developing the capabilities and skills of faculty members in the field of medical education is one of the department’s main tasks, in order to help them carry out their educational service, and research tasks in an effective manner. The Medical Education Department provides technical support to the various departments to help them to implement and evaluate the curriculum. This activity extends throughout the semesters. In this context, the Medical Education Department is committed to providing an annual training program of high quality based on pre-defined needs and goals in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit in the college. The college administration encourages and glorifies this activity and considers that a faculty member’s joining and association with this program is evidence of his appreciation of the value of sustainable professional development in the field of education.

Department seminars for faculty members training:


Different Teaching Methods with special concern to PBL

Doaa Masallat

16th March, 2021

National Academic Reference Standards (NARS)

Doaa Masallat

5th September, 2022

Different Teaching Methods

Doaa Masallat

27th September, 2022

Semester specification

Doaa Masallat

11th March, 2023

Teaching and learning strategy

Doaa Masallat

1st April, 2024

Constructing single best answer questions

Doaa Masallat

18th May, 2024

Constructing short essay and very short essay questions

Doaa Masallat

20th July, 2024


Doaa Masallat

27th July, 2024

Exam analysis

Doaa Masallat

29th July, 2024


Doaa Masallat

7th September, 2024


Horus University is interested in e-learning and working to include it among the learning methods in the university’s various colleges. For this purpose, the university has provided the necessary infrastructure for this, and the Faculty of Medicine has planning to take advantage of the enormous potential that the university has provided for this purpose. The Medical Education Department is working with the support of the college administration and in cooperation with its departments. The various departments and the Deanship of Information Systems and E-Learning at the university are planning some educational courses to be taught electronically and interactively within the curriculum plan developed for the college, in addition to the electronic exam systems that applied to all semesters.

Preparing scientific clearing

It is prepared for students who wish to enroll in the Faculty of Medicine and hold scientific identification papers from another university, inside or outside Egypt, to confirm the student’s academic level and determine the semester in which he or she will be enrolled.

To contact and get more information

Pro. Hesham Abdel-Hady

Faculty Dean

welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.

Quik Links

  • Ministry of Higher Education
  • Supreme Council of universities
  • Cultural Affairs & Missions Sector
  • National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education
  • Electronic coordination
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