Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine - Horus University

Department Activities


  • New horizons in Peptic ulcer treatment
  • Bronchial asthma pathogenesis and modern lines of therapy
  • Osteoarthritis (journal article)
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases new trends
  • Familial Mediterranean fever new evidence
  • Macrophage Death as a Pharmacological Target in Atherosclerosis
  • Covid and GBS

Clinical cases

  • Loss of Taste, Rash, and Dyspnea in a 46-Year-Old With GERD
  • Recurrent UTIs, Ulcerations, Foot Drop in 50-Year-Old Woman

Pro. Hesham Abdel-Hady

Faculty Dean

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Quik Links

  • Ministry of Higher Education
  • Supreme Council of universities
  • Cultural Affairs & Missions Sector
  • National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education
  • Electronic coordination
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